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community development Clear search
1 - 5 of 5 ideas (page 1 of 1)
Brian Goebel, START Micro-Enterpreneur Accelerator, Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Poor communities have 27% fewer microbusinesses per capita than their higher-income counterparts. Given the hyper-local processes that guide microbusiness development, bridging this microbusiness gap requires a commitment to cultivating and delivering the right blend of knowledge, networks and start-up capital to the most promising micro-entrepreneurs. This session …

accelerator programs, community development, local economics, microbusiness, placed-based solutions

PACE is a B-Corporation that aims to transform health care in Latin America by providing training in important areas of health care in rural and urban communities. PACE has trained over 30,000 people, including 10,000 in emergency obstetrics. On-line training is supplemented by hands-on workshops, tele-mentoring, and …

base of pyramid, community development, education, entrepreneurship, Health care, manpower training, palliative care, social impact
Mark Hand, Unltd USA / RGK Center

In 2012 the Omidyar Network published “Priming the Pump,” making the case for sector-based impact investing. But cities are the engines of growth and job creation. Can a city-level focus complement a sector-based approach, multiplying the impact our dollars have on our communities?

city-based, community development, economic development, ecosystems, Impact Investing, network thinking, place-based
Aaron Lander, PopUpsters

Starting a business is hard, but it shouldn’t be. Come learn how anyone with an idea, passion, hobby or secret recipe can turn it into a business without all the financial risks normally associated with starting a company by popping up their business! The panel will discuss …

community development, economic development, entrepreneurs, Financial Inclusion, Small Business
Jamie Johnson, Boy With a Ball

Why is it that we are so prepared to embrace youth movements as a powerful threat in situations like ISIS and the Arab Spring and so slow to see them as a positive and replicable force for change? El Nino y la Bola Costa Rica have teamed …

community development, Impact, Impact Investing, impact measurement, innovation, international development, Measurement, non-profit, youth development
1 - 5 of 5 ideas (page 1 of 1)