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Community Foundations as Leaders of Place-based Investing

Tyler Jackson, Invest with Values

Community foundations were created by community members to identify and support the issues that shape their local areas, yet the majority of their financial resources are invested outside of their communities. Concentrating investment capital on specific geographic regions has been proven to yield significant social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. This session will focus on the specific ways that community foundations can help to break down the barriers and take leadership roles in the place-based investing movement.
Community Investing, Endowment, Fiduciary, Foundations, Local Wealth Multiplier, Place-based Investing

Melanie Audette, Acting Managing Director, Mission Investors Exchange Kathryn Merchant, ex President and CEO, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Stacy Caldwell, CEO, Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Don Schafer, President, RSF Social Finance Michelle Long, Executive Director, BALLE Craig Muska, CEO, Canopy James P. Hawley, Editor, Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty Dana Lanza, CEO, Confluence Philanthropy Kelly Ryan, President, Incourage Community Foundation

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