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Build It And They Will Fund - Designing a funding model that fits your organization’s mission, creates new sources of revenue, and delivers the impact you seek

Audrey Vaughn, Monitor Deloitte

Creating sustainable social change requires organizations to move beyond traditional, inflexible funding sources and structures. From social impact bonds, prize challenges, to competitive grants, innovations in funding models provide leaders options to customize how they invest in programs to improve outcomes. But how do you choose the right model? This interactive workshop, leaning on insights from several recent case studies, will provide you with a diagnostic to analyze each funding model, as well as an opportunity to design and iterate on an innovative model of your choice.
Competitive Grants, Funding Models, government, Impact Funding, innovation, interactive, Pay for Success, Policy, Prize Challenges, Social Impact Bonds
Interactive Workshop
Jitinder Kohli (Monitor Deloitte - Center For American Progress Senior Fellow - NAPA Fellow) John Cassidy (Monitor Deloitte) Audrey Vaughn (Monitor Deloitte) Betty Feng (Monitor Deloitte)
These links are examples based off of previous and current projects with partner organizations and clients. *Funding for Results: A Review of Government Outcomes-Based Agreements: *The Craft of Incentive Prize Design - Lessons from the Public Sector: *A report by LSE Cities on Bloomberg Philanthropies' 2014 Mayors Challenge: *Website for AgResutls - $110 M Program using pull-mechanisms to enhance food security and food safety, increase smallholder incomes and promote better health and nutrition in developing countries by stimulating private sector agricultural innovation: *Article on, "What Are Social Impact Bonds?" - *Article on, "Defining Terms in a Social Impact Bond Agreement" -

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